How do I maintain my SEO ranking?

How do I maintain my SEO ranking?

Today, you will learn exactly How do I maintain my SEO ranking? In 2022. These 10  techniques helped me increase my website’s organic traffic by 28.55% in the past year.

SEO requirements change constantly, so it cannot be easy to keep up. You must be knowledgeable if you want to see your Google rankings rise from the bottom to the top.

Websites optimized for search engines get more and better traffic over time. This means more leads and sales. Searchers won’t find your site without SEO, and all your hard work is in vain.

What’s SEO Maintenance ?

SEO maintenance improves SEO on your Website to maintain and increase your ranking in search results. This can be done weekly, monthly or quarterly. It includes updating Content and fixing broken links.

Why is SEO maintenance necessary?

SEO’s technical side requires frequent painting. Websites can be demanding and malfunctioning. Google considers page errors a negative mark when ranking pages. It is crucial to pay attention to the backend of your SEO operations.

How do I maintain my SEO ranking?


Monitor Website performance

Tools, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console

SEO is all about monitoring the performance of your pages and Website.

Monitor your rankings, Click-Through Rate (C.T.R.), page views, and many other metrics. These digital metrics will help you and your team identify pages that need your assistance.

A gradual decline in C.T.R. could be an indicator that your title tag is not appealing to users or tapping into their needs.

These two tools are free and can be used to monitor the performance of your Website:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console

Google Search Console allows you to view critical data points about pages such as the following:

  • Queries
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • CTR
  • More

You can also use Google Analytics to get insights into user behavior using the following data points.

  • Pageviews
  • Time on the page
  • Rate of bounce
  • More

These tools can be used to monitor the performance of your Website, generate SEO reports and identify pages that require SEO maintenance.

Preserve high-quality Content

Since our inception, SEO has been our mainstay. This has changed over time. The king is not Content alone. Quality, relevance, and new ContentContent are also important.

It is important to keep your Content current with all the latest information. You must keep the Content current but not lose sight of its relevancy. It is crucial to understand your target audience and create ContentContent that appeals to them.

Sites below your rank are trying to outrank your site and be at the top. You must be better than them in every aspect.

You can include more information in media formats like an infographic or video to keep your Content current and engaging.

Site Speed

Let’s suppose your Website contains unique, current, and relevant ContentContent. It is very heavy and includes all media, such as a photo, an infographic, or a document.

Your site’s ContentContent seems rich, but it doesn’t load fast on the client-side.

Your site will have a higher bounce rate, and a competitor site will take your place on Google.

It is important to make your Website speed optimized. Google Search Console, Lighthouse, and Google Analytics are all tools that can help you fix or improve page speed.

You want to make sure that your Website is optimized for SEO. Take a look at your pages to see what elements you have implemented, such as meta descriptions and tags, headers & tags, titles, etc. These practices must be carried over to your new Website to preserve your SEO standing.


Once you are done analyzing, document your findings in an easily-accessible file. You can tick off both the requirements that are working well and those you want to keep.

This will allow you to work on improving or fixing your ContentContent and save yourself the hassle of doing it later. It would help if you didn’t make changes to the sites that aren’t performing well unless it is necessary to correct obvious errors.

Keep track of the top keywords and loading speeds for your legacy site on mobile and desktop platforms. Perhaps even keep a copy of your crawl and search console data. These will give you a reference point after migration.


Remember that some users rely on their browser’s history to return to pages they have visited before. What happens if one user decides to return to your Website only to discover that it has disappeared?

Redirecting your URLs from old URLs to new URLs is another thing to think about when redesigning your site. Both search engines and humans can benefit from redirects.

It’s a good idea for human users to keep track of all URLs that require redirection. When you are done with the redesign, list them all and crawl through the new site. Verify that all necessary changes and redirects have been made.

There are two types of redirects: a 301 or a 302, which can be summed up as permanent redirects or temporary redirects. While your site is in the midst of a redesign, or updating, 302 redirects take users to another page or Website.

It is important to be careful with this redirect as it can damage your Website’s SEO. On the other hand, 301 redirects indicate that a site or page has been permanently removed. This type of redirect helps maintain your SEO rankings by transferring inbound links.


Your Website’s ranking will likely suffer from a redesign. It would help if you immediately implemented on-page SEO strategies that have a high impact on your Website.

This will ensure minimal visibility loss and minimize the negative consequences of a redesign. These are just a few of the high-impact elements of on-page SEO:

  • Robot-friendly URLs

The URL structure is crucial for SEO. This may be a question you are asking yourself: What is a robot-friendly URL exactly? It’s a URL that is clear and simple. It often contains keywords that relate to the inner page.

Make sure you correctly embed the elements within your URLs and use the right separators when building them.

It might be worthwhile to take the time to observe the correct length of your URLs, which should not exceed 115 characters. Google might refuse to index URLs with long URLs.

Your URL should contain keywords that accurately reflect the page’s ContentContent. To avoid duplicates, ensure that each URL is unique.

  • Meta title and description

Both search engines and users are concerned about the meta title and description. These elements are the headings for search engine entries. Alternative names for meta titles are page titles or title tags.

The meta description gives you a quick summary of the page’s ContentContent in your search page, while the meta title can be found on the title page of a browser and in other open tabs.

What are those clickable blue links in the SERPs? These are meta titles. They will make a huge difference in your SEO.

  • H1 tags

Multiple tags can be added to a single webpage, but the H1 tag will always be the first visible header tag. The H1 tag is different from the meta title.

It appears to the user as they browse a page. This acts as a beacon to search engine crawlers so that they can provide information about the page’s contents.

  • Optimized keywords

SEO keywords can refer to keywords or phrases found in your Website ContentContent. These keywords make it easier for people to search your Website via search engines.

Optimized keywords are a key element of SEO and can be used to attract your targeted audience to your Website. They also attract search engine robots. Your pages will be ranked higher in search engine results pages if you use your SEO keywords correctly.

Restore internal links

You might need to change your existing link structures, as we are focusing on the importance of user-friendly URLs and robots.

While this will benefit you over the long term, it could lead to broken links in your ContentContent. You should keep a detailed record of any changes to your link structure and ensure that all internal links lead to the correct landing pages.

Implementing these SEO elements will require a lot of effort and technical knowledge. It would be a good idea to hire a professional web design agency to handle this. Verz Design can help you navigate this process.

Social media presence

Whether social media engagement is a ranking element in search, either directly or indirectly, is unclear. Search engines consider every major social media platform an authority brand. Google’s PageRank is high for websites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Google will use these links to determine the relevance and quality of your Website. These social media channels will give you more visibility if more people share and like your ContentContent. It may be beneficial to increase and sustain your rank over time if you continue to build quality backlinks.

These are some quick tips to help increase the visibility of your blog on social media.

  • Add social media sharing buttons to your sidebar.
  • Make explicit calls to action within your ContentContent.
  • For a social share, offer your users a piece of ContentContent free of charge.

Your Website can be switched to HTTPS

Web developers had a choice back in the Day. Web developers had two options: they could either create URLs that started with “HTTP” or with “HTTPS.” Security was once optional, but the “s” stood for it.

However, from July 2018, Google has made all HTTP URLs “Not Secure.” This can make people less comfortable using your site, and in some browsers, it can even mean that your site has been blocked.

You should make all your websites HTTPS if you don’t have them already. It’s not always a top-down move. It is possible to have an HTTPS homepage and other pages that still use HTTP.

Keep up the Backlinking efforts, too.

You likely reached the top of the SERPs due to your efforts in building backlinks. Don’t quit just because you have reached your goal.

Keep pretending you have never made it to the top, and continue looking for people willing to offer backlinks. Remember, avoid looking spammy.

Reach out to sites outside your industry, not competitors! Offer to exchange guest posts. You can also share case studies with your top clients and encourage them to link back to their sites.

You have earned your place at the top of Google SERPs. To keep your spot at the top of Google SERPs, you need to research and continue with your SEO efforts. Make sure to do regular checks of all external and internal links. Users hate broken links more than anything.


How do I maintain my SEO ranking? SEO is a long-term effort that takes time and doesn’t produce immediate results. You will typically notice the results of your SEO efforts over a period of time. These five strategies will ensure that you have authority for long after you rank for a keyword.